Who is Carmella Guiol?

I’m a writer who thinks a lot about the experience of being human and navigating our complicated relationships with digital devices. Over the years, I have experimented with my relationship to smartphones, social media, and the internet. I have taken a yearlong social media sabbatical, lived without Wi-Fi, and I even held onto my flip phone until 2017! You can learn more about me and my writing here.

What is Smartphone (in)Sanity?

We live in a world that revolves around tiny computers that fit into our pockets and connect us to the whole world. Cool, right? Yes! And also, crazy. This newsletter explores how we stay sane while existing in a smartphone world.

Why subscribe?

Phones are tools. The internet is expansive and all-encompassing and overwhelming. What I try to do with this newsletter is think of strategies that help us harness the power of the internet and of our smartphone, instead of letting it have unfettered control over our lives and our (frittered and fried) attention spans.

Get in touch.

Feel free to send me an email at: carmella(at)guiol.us

Subscribe to SCROLL SANITY

staying sane in a digital world


I am a writer and digital health expert