This is such an important question, and it connects, I think, deeply across all aspects of our cultural and civilizational lives at this moment. Humanity could use (and is in the process of) a "great humbling" (to use the name of @DougaldHine's podcast with Ed Gillespie. A reacquaintance with our own animal limitations. In the unfolding ecological crisis, for example, we need to get comfortable with the discomfort of unknowing while also doing the work to engage and heal.

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"I gave up my smartphone because I felt like I was becoming spiritually sick. This is the truth. How did I know I was becoming spiritually sick? Because I couldn’t be alone with myself." True, and to realize, bit by bit, there is nothing so wrong with you that you can't be alone with yourself, it's just that there's a lot of profit to be made when you can't stand yourself, when you need to escape yourself, which is the root of all addiction. I've also become very spiritual in the process of my time spent offline journey, and of course if you sit alone with yourself long enough, you're bound to find god (or whatever). We're so lucky to know such things, to seek and find. <3

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this newsletter resonates with me so much! i have an upcoming newsletter on jomo (the joy of missing out) and on my own spiritual awakening and how i don't think i could both walk down a spiritual path and be glued to my phone. i love that we're on similar paths :) congrats on the podcast! i'll listen this week :)

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Yay! I'm so excited to listen!!

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