What an odd coincidence that I read this an hour after 'braving' 45 minutes in the woods by myself without my phone! It was bliss. I stayed present and patient enough to spot the woodpecker and hugged a tree instead of sitting in it and scrolling Instagram.

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Emma, thanks for sharing about your experience. I'm really glad you had a blissful walk in the woods without any digital distractions. I will try to leave my phone at home next time I go into the woods. :)

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Excellent insight and commentary on the frenetic pace and stress in our lives

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Thank you for reading Marcia! I think it's become so normal to be so uber connected all the time that we don't realize how stressful and frenetic it actually is!

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Feb 24, 2023
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Yes, it's crazy to think that my generation is the last one who grew up with an answering machine at home! Now we don't even have landlines!

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