Hi! I am starting my Light Phone journey on Saturday. I am also a mom of two littles who feels my screen time has left me less patient, having less time for what is important to me and not loving this false sense of urgency I have to reply, order, research, etc. so quickly. I want to take back my time, discover new hobbies and fill my time with purpose. I want to look at the world and laugh with my children instead of taking pictures every two seconds when they do something adorable. I feel like the paparazzi sometimes!

Everything you have written about your journey has resonated with me. I moved across the country this past August and want to learn my way around my new city without the GPS and stop playing DJ in the car. Elmo and Frozen on repeat isn’t working for me anymore.

Thank you for sharing and I look forward to starting my own journey and following along!

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This is delightful to read! I am really happy that you have found value in what I share about my experience. I have to be honest, there's no looking back for me. The change has been wonderful in so many ways, although I think I still have work to do when it comes to my digital addiction. I'm still pretty addicted to the Light Phone, but obviously that is a less invasive device. The photos thing was hard for a few days but it totally doesn't bother me anymore. We went to a Mardi Gras parade the other day and I brought my iPhone (no longer on any network), took photos and videos, and shared them with family. I'm glad I still have that option to easily document fun things and share them easily, but I don't miss the constant documenting of every moment of my children lives -- paparazzi is a great way to describe it!

Best of luck on your journey and I'd be happy to hear more how it goes as you transition to a more mindful digital life. And be sure to check out our new podcast when it drops next week!


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Thank you Carmella!

I appreciate the words of encouragement about it getting easier after a few days of not taking constant photos of your children!

I left my smartphone at home yesterday because I couldn’t find it and had to dash to my daughter’s dance class. I was amazed by how calm the drive to dance felt and how much less anxiety I felt not seeing my arrival time on the big navigational screen where I inevitably arrive with less than five minutes to spare, ha!

I plan to do the same, bring my iPhone for big events and special occasions.

Last day with the iPhone today!

I look forward to checking out the podcast next week! :)

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Yess! this is awesome! I can totally relate about the anxiety with the map/arrival time on my screen!

It's definitely going to feel weird at first. I can remember feeling naked leaving the house without my smartphone! But pretty soon you'll see that you barely notice the change... a change that once felt so impossible to make!

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Thank you! This encouragement is so helpful!

The light phone is up and running, and I've tucked my disconnected iPhone away to avoid the temptation to use as a tablet for right now.

I wanted to ask, how do you plan to share photos with family? I want to establish a new routine around photo sharing with family. Although I might not be sending the impromptu photo throughout the day, I am considering a weekly photo share routine to family using an online album. If you are doing something similar, is there a platform for this that you recommend?

Day 3 with the Lightphone, overall I feel more intentional and a sense of relief not being connected to my phone all of the time. I uploaded my podcasts, an audiobook and used the GPS yesterday and it worked seamlessly. I also love the voice text option!

I made a list this morning of tasks I will need the computer for later in the day, (place Target order, answer emails, book exercise class, etc.) but all of these things can wait until I have time to sit down and dedicate my full attention to the task. I am not going to try to sneak them in while making lunch for my toddler or walking the dog looking at my phone and cheering on my oldest on her scooter. I feel lighter already not multitasking! Right now, it is only the camera I am missing but hopefully I'll adjust to this quickly, like you mentioned.

Thanks for creating this space and looking forward to the podcast!

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Hey, this is all so fantastic to hear! I completely relate to what you wrote about that sense of relief. It's so awesome to not have the option to multitask, and then we're forced to be more intentional about our time and our attention. I am really excited for you!

For the photos, I have been using WhatsApp mainly for sharing photos. (This is because many of our family members live abroad and don't have iphones, so apple cloud albums don't work for us). I have a few whatsapp groups - one for grandparents and one for extended family/friends. I am still using my iphone as my primary camera (and/or my husband's iphone) so every few days I'll send a few photos to the grandparent chat. I send photos to the other bigger group less often, every few months. I don't wanna spam people.

I used to use google photo albums but i've found it clunky and laborious in terms of uploading photos.

My podcast co-host Nic doesn't have any iphone at all so he's purchased a camera to take photos. I know he uploads them to his ipad for sharing but i'll ask him more info.

There are TONS of apps for sharing photos with family. I looked into them a while ago but I didn't want to force my family members to download another app so I never pulled the trigger on any of them... Something I've started doing too is printing out photos from walgreens and sending them to family via snail mail... old school throwback! but i like it, and i think the recipients do too. sometimes i'll throw in one of the kids artwork too!

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Thank you for all of the photo advice! For now, I am still using my iPhone as my camera and have mainly been sharing them with my husband to send to friends and family. When photos are sent to your LP, then forwarded to your email, are they squished?

I have listened to both episodes of the podcast and I am enjoying the content so much! It feels so nice to have comradery on this new digital minimalism adventure. So much of what you and Nic have shared I can relate to and I love to hear how others are using this technology.

Since starting my dumbphone journey, I am finding a new sense of peace in my life and I am becoming a more patient parent. My experience was similar to what you wrote about in your Business Insider piece. I am saddened by what I was missing when 5.5 hours of my day was slipping away from me. Most of that time was spent “checking on” things that I deemed urgent or pacifying myself during stressful toddler moments. I was never that active on social media so most of my time was spent stress shopping for household items or looking up anything and everything I thought of at that moment. I still have the impulse to Google many of my random thoughts throughout the day and it is a relief to recognize that it can wait and if it is important I can check on the computer later. It's a welcome change just to stop and think about it for a few minutes before taking action.

I am about a month in and I am still frustrated by the friction of this tiny device from time to time. I was 20 minutes late for my daughter’s 30 minute swim lesson while trying to use the Light Phone GPS. Since then, I have learned my way and no longer need the GPS but use my iPhone offline maps when I need to go to a new place. I am loving learning how to actually get around my new city!

I think one of the most valuable aspects of this experience has been my relationship to time. Before, I was checking my iPhone constantly to look at the time and the days felt slow and often boring. I wonder now if because I am observing so much more in my day to day that I have more interest in the present moments. (I also purchased a Casio watch that I am a little bit obsessed with and am working to check that instead of the phone.)

My evenings offer the same amount of time after the kids go to bed but instead of feeling like I don’t have any time to do the things I want, I feel that I have more time than ever and feel fulfilled at the end of my evening. There isn’t the same level of indecision that I faced previously. Moments aren’t stolen by scrolling. I used to want to stay up late to do all the things I don’t have time for during the day but that feeling has dissipated. Now I feel content and ready for bed, it is a welcome change!

To fill this evening time, I have always been an avid reader so I am spending more time reading and have started watercoloring. I am a complete beginner, but I am enjoying it and my daughter feels special when I have a new picture to give her at breakfast in the morning.

My goal is to go three months with the Light Phone and only use the iPhone for directions and photos. So far this is working pretty well, but it resonated with me what you said on the podcast about how quickly the iPhone can sneak back in. I will hop on quickly to Venmo the babysitter, and then I have the urge to check my email, browse Amazon, sign up for an exercise class, etc. My goal for this week is to move everything to the desktop so these small moments of use aren’t a distraction. Overall, I feel less anxious, I feel that I have more control over my precious time and I am feeling more content with my daily rhythms. The pace of my day feels right.

Looking forward to the next episodes of your podcast and newsletter updates! Thank you for sharing this content!

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I was a Light Phone user for a year, and I liked many things about it. I wish you the best of luck on your journey!

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I have been seriously considering returning to a "dumb" phone for a couple years now. I for sure want to do it before my kids need phones, so I'm not a hypocrite when I hand them their flip phone. May I ask why you chose the light phone as opposed to a flip phone or other kind of minimalist phone? (I'm hoping it will help me choose/understand my options)

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Hi Amy! I chose the light phone because I like that it has functions like directions and podcasts. Also they have cool functions like emailing you images that people send to you via text. It seems to be a very intentionally made product so I appreciated that. My friend has had one for a long time and has had a good experience. It also has a hotspot which is handy.

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Congrats!!!! I’m so excited for you.

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Thanks!! Me too!!

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I so get you, and admire your courage. May this choice bring you peace and enchantment.

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Thank you!!! Here’s hoping!!

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Dec 29, 2023
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I’ve read all three of her books -- big fan!!

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